How do I freeze/unfreeze or cancel my card?

This article explains how you can freeze or cancel a SUNRATE card.

Freeze/Unfreeze your card

  • Freezing your card prevents any further transactions from being made on it virtually, physically, or on any of your devices. It is reversible, and you can unfreeze your card easily in your account.

  • To do so, click Cards — Virtual/Physical Card, and then in the Action dropdown, click Freeze.

  • To unfreeze your card, click Reactivate in the same dropdown menu.

Cancel your card

  • Cancelling your card permanently closes the card. Please note that once your card is cancelled, the action cannot be reversed.

  • To do so, click Cards — Virtual/Physical Card, and then in the Action dropdown, click Deactivate.

If you cancel a physical SUNRATE card, make sure to cut the card to ensure that no personal information can be distinguished and dispose of the pieces.