How do I report a lost or stolen card?

This article explains what you should do if you are a SUNRATE customer that has lost or had your SUNRATE card stolen.

If you've lost your card or it's been stolen

Freeze or cancel your card to prevent any further transactions being made on it.

If you don't recognise a transaction on your card

1. Freeze your card

Freeze or cancel your card to prevent any further transactions being made on it.

2. Investigate the transactions

Once your card has been frozen, there are a few things you can do to check if the transactions were fraudulent:

  • Ask your team - check if they were made by someone who may be authorised to use the card

  • Research the business - find out if the business could be trading under a different name. You can check by Googling the name.

If you find that the transactions were authorised, you can unfreeze your card easily in the same way you froze it. Simply click 'Reactivate' instead.

3. Raise a transaction dispute

Request for a new card

After permanently cancelling your card, you can order a new card by following the steps here: